Weekly Wanderings {2017 week 4}
My wanderings around my world this week started with…

And rainbows!

Melting chocolate.

To make homemade samoas!
Yes, I know they’re ugly AF.

Burger date!

I was so chilled to the bone after walking home late at night that I went and sat on top of the heater vent in order to warm up.
Just like I used to when I was a kid.
It still works wonderfully.

Getting my food styling on.

These mini berry tartlets were tasty.

Recipe coming soon(ish)!

Happy Lunar New Year!

Being a nice girl vs. a kind woman.
Where are you wandering this week?
A_Boleyn 01/29/2017 at 10:53am
Rain rain and more rain. We’ve had a lot of it locally as well.
Love your pretty phyllo tarts and the red white and blue theme.
Allison 01/29/2017 at 01:26pm
A_Boleyn – Yes, so much rain! I love it, though. Thank you!