tickled by pickles

My current sandwich obsession: honey-roasted turkey and pickles on toasted Hawaiian bread (with a little bit of mayonnaise and dijon mustard, of course).
However, I do have a confession to make… up until about a month ago, I was convinced I hated pickles. I’d pick them off of sandwiches and burgers (and transfer them to my mom’s plate if she was around – she loves pickles).

But then I split the most amazing burger with my dad at Betty Burgers in Santa Cruz, CA… and had such a long day (the family drove up from LA that morning, for my sister’s graduation, then went out for dinner with my sister and her girlfriend afterwards) that I was too darn tired to bother picking them off my half.
And wow. Pickles are actually good! (No, I’m not pregnant. Promise.) It seems I’m getting older, more mature… or at least, my tastes have gotten more mature, even if I’m not. ~_^
Hahn 06/28/2011 at 12:37pm
YAY Bettys! You should check out Burger on Bay st.
Irvin @ Eat the Love 07/19/2011 at 10:08pm
I happen to LOVE pickles, but my partner AJ hates them. LOATHES them in fact. He actually owns a shirt that says “Pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil.” True story.
So I wonder if the trick is to tire him out so he eats a burger with pickles and then falls in love with them. I miss having them around the house.
Chicken with Curry Dill Sauce on Fridgg.com 09/03/2011 at 06:14am
[…] familiar? Yeah… it’s been happening more often in the last couple of years.) So […]