Garlic Olive Oil Kale Mashed Potatoes for International Kale Day!

Exactly one year ago, on the first annual International Kale Day, my friend Stacy posted this photo of Garlic Olive Oil Kale Mashed Potatoes on Fridgg. I’m not even a kale person at all (that bandwagon left me solidly in its dust), but the recipe sounded A-MAZING to me. Give me potatoes and garlic, and I. am. sold.
A month or so later, I made it. And ate it. And it was gone before we even had time to take pictures. (Oops.) And then a few weeks later, I made it again… and ate it, and forgot to take pictures. (You can see how I utterly fail at being a food blogger.)
So just this last week, when I got both kale AND potatoes in my CSA box, I decided it was high time to make it again. And, you know, actually take pictures this time. 😛
Obviously, as I’m sure you’ve guessed from how many times I’ve made it and then consumed it too quickly to take photos, we’re big fans of this recipe. Coming from a family who’s solidly in the “mashed potatoes must include dairy” camp (which I quite enjoy as well – honestly, give me any sort of mashed potatoes and I’m a happy camper), using olive oil in a vegan mashed potato recipe was a revelation. A delicious, delicious revelation.
(I might even go so far as to say these are the best mashed potatoes I’ve ever eaten… but shhhh, don’t tell my family!)
For the recipe, hop on over to Center Stage Wellness!
Zuppa Toscana on 10/16/2013 at 02:13pm
[…] Kale and potatoes have been a bit of a theme in our household lately, primarily because we keep getting them in our CSA box. […]