The easiest mashed sweet potato dinner (or breakfast)

These days, my dinner prep sounds something like this:
What can I make that’s super easy, takes as little time as possible, uses up whatever random ingredients I have laying around, and is hopefully a bit healthy?
Also, I would like to please not turn on the oven, because it’s summer and already quite warm to begin with.
Most days that either ends up being a sandwich, rice + some protein from the freezer + whatever veggies we have… or cereal.
Which brings me to last night’s dinner. So easy and satisfying, I just had to tell you about it, crappy iPhone photo and lack of a proper recipe be damned.
Just a few ingredients, super easy to make, and although the bacon takes a while to bake, it still counts as quick because I didn’t have to babysit it the entire time. Also, because bacon. Worth it.
Bacon. Preheat the oven (or, in my case, toaster oven) to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with a couple of layers of aluminum foil, to make clean-up easy. Lay out the bacon strips so they’re not overlapping, cover loosely with another piece of foil (optional, but it helps prevent splatters), and bake for 30-40 min, flipping the bacon after 20 minutes. Check it at the 10- and 30-minute marks, to make sure it doesn’t burn. (It took me 40 minutes, but I was using a toaster oven, with convection heating, and had it covered in foil, so YMMV.)
Sweet potatoes. Wash, prick with a fork, microwave on high for 5-10 minutes. Let cool a bit, then scoop out flesh into a bowl and mash with a glug of heavy cream (that you just happened to have in your fridge because your mom had it leftover from making ice cream. the usual.). You could also mash it with butter or olive oil, either would work just as well.
Egg. Fry it in sesame oil (or butter or bacon fat or olive oil or…), over medium heat.
Put it all together, season with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, (add your preferred hot sauce, if you’re like Son), and enjoy!
Easy-peasy. And delicious!
A_Boleyn 07/21/2015 at 10:15am
Necessity is not the mother of invention … hot weather and a disinclination to generate more heat is. (Aren’t you glad that I didn’t say laziness?)
Allison 07/22/2015 at 05:02pm
A_Boleyn – Very true! Heh and yes… laziness might have had something to do with it too. 😉
Weekly Wanderings {week 23} on 07/28/2015 at 02:14am
[…] The best easy dinner. […]