Weekly Wanderings {2016 week 50}
This week in my world…
(Yes, I know there are 52 weeks in a year, but we skipped two weeks when we were out of the country in the spring – travel posts for those two weeks coming soon!)
Flying over snow-capped mountains on the way home from Arizona.

Home-grown Thai chilis.

About to be ground up with salt, which Son will then sprinkle over pineapple.

Christmas #2 at home. Yes, we have a fake fireplace on our TV in front of our real fireplace.

Tried a new Chinese restaurant. It was mostly meh, but before the meal they gave us a dish of seaweed-seasoned peanuts that were SO GOOD.

The xiao long bao weren’t too bad. But then, I always adore xiao long bao.

Hot tofu soup is the best on rainy days.

So spicy! But so good.

Making tamago for New Year’s.

Kampyo gourd.

Powering up for a day of sushi making!

And… we’re off!

First, we make the kappa maki.

Then, it’s the vegan sushi.

Next, it’s time for futomaki.

Then we finish off with the bacon crunchy shrimp roll, spicy shrimp inari, and sashimi… then it’s time to eat!!!

Good words for this year.

A_Boleyn 01/04/2017 at 10:35pm
Those tiny little chilis are adorable. And so much tasty sushi.