Weekly Wanderings {2016 week 39}
This week in my world…
I know it’s like, the most American thing ever, but I’m a sucker for moo shu pork.

A flower fell off one of our champaca trees, so Son put it in a bowl of water for me. MY OFFICE SMELLS SO GOOD.

Ham. Frico egg. Curry mayo. English muffin. Yum.

In this week episode of Son’s garden adventures… we somehow managed to wrangle an 8-foot trellis into our little Accord. 😂

The Big Mo’s Favorite Po-Boy for me…

…and the Gumbo Mumbo Platter for Son.

So delicious. And so much food… we ended up taking more than half of it home for dinner!

I’m ready to eat.

It appears our house has a very large spider problem… 😱

Delicate delicata.
