Weekly Wanderings {2016 week 40}
This week in my world…
Rain! 😊

Reason #86 why I’m marrying Son: he knows that the way to this girl’s heart is neither diamond rings nor fancy things… nope, it’s FLUFFY SOCKS. ðŸ˜

My mommy made me snickerdoodles for my birthday.

Coffee on milk.

My birthday present(s) to myself. If you don’t hear from me for a few days… this is why.

Fresh-baked bread, garlic dipping sauce. Addictively good.

Mushrooms. Meh.

Calimari is always tasty.

Pasta carbonara.


Son and his OMG SO DELICIOUS squid ink seafood pasta. Holy cow, it was so good. We almost ordered another one to go.

So freaking good.

Birthday bundt cake! (With fluffy socks and a programming book!)

Light and dark.


Links I’ve loved lately:
It’s true, book fairs were everything, and I still have our entire set of Boxcar Children books!
There are still good people in the world.