Pumpkin Muffins – TWD

Pumpkin Muffins
Oh, pumpkin muffins. For the first time since I joined the Tuesdays with Dorie group, I didn’t screw up a single thing while making them. Although I did almost miss the posting deadline… oops. I got rather busy in the last week, so I ended up making them this afternoon.

A great accompaniment to a good book.
Yum. These are perfectly autumn-y, great with a hot cup of whatever drink you please and a good book. Although they’re slightly dry on the outside, they are extremely moist when you get to the center. Just plain delicious.
You can find the recipe on Sounding My Barbaric Gulp, or buy the cookbook here.

Don’t forget, you have until Friday to enter my Sugoi Garlic Sauce Contest!
Nate 10/22/2008 at 12:13am
Wow, they look really yummy. Should go really well with some pumpkin spiced-coffee.
Nate’s last blog post… Pandan Kaya Bread Recipe PLUS Bloggerversary Giveaway!
HoneyB 10/22/2008 at 02:46am
They look great and I agree with Nate about them going well with the Pumpkin-Spiced Coffee (of course, I’m a lover of all things pumpkin!). I totally love the mug!!
HoneyB’s last blog post… A new cookie and an evening of cuddling and another award
Allison 10/23/2008 at 12:47am
Thanks, both of you! Pumpkin-spiced coffee sounds delicious, I’ll have to give that a try. 🙂
Jessica 10/25/2008 at 06:30am
They were a perfect fall breakfast treat weren’t they? I had mine with some spiced pomegranate tea.
Jessica’s last blog post… Cookie Carnival: Mini Pumpkin Whoopie Pies
Jaime 11/02/2008 at 09:38pm
lovely muffins. i also like your mug
Jaime’s last blog post… Barbeque Chicken Pizza
Allison 11/06/2008 at 01:08am
Jessica – Yes, they were! Spiced pomegranate tea? Sounds delicious. 🙂
Jaime – Thanks! I think we got it from Tully’s.