Herb Garden

Recently, I’ve really been wanting to start a garden. This desire to grow my own herbs, fruits, and vegetables began a couple of years ago when I really began to take an interest in cooking, and was only exacerbated when I was introduced to Diane and Todd’s amazing garden. Seriously, that’s my dream garden.

Problem is, my apartment isn’t exactly overflowing with free space, and I have, er, less than a green thumb. I’ve tried growing things before, and everything but some very hardy bamboo has died. Kaput. Gone all too soon. Heck, I’ve even managed to kill a Vietnamese herb that is supposedly considered a weed. I unintentionally killed a weed! This gardening aspiration was not getting off to a good start.

So when my brother got me a Chia Herb Garden for Christmas, I was understandably excited. Finally an opportunity to grow herbs in an easy, compact way that even I could do correctly. I mean, come on. It’s a Chia garden. I couldn’t possibly kill that… right?
The herbs have been growing for almost a month now, and they aren’t dead yet! In fact, they’re starting to look like the herbs that you buy from the store. These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago, and since then the cilantro has begun to grow those spiky leaves that you normally associate with Mexican or Asian food, and the basil and chives are getting bigger by the day. And even though it’s still itsy-bitsy, I have high hopes for the sweet marjoram!

Michael Schoonmaker 01/22/2009 at 08:55am
Your pictures are always so spectacular!
I think herb gardens are marvelous. Being an engineer, tending to plants is one of those things that’s really far from work – which is great for mental health. When I last kept one, I dried the herb suspended from my window; and the herbs, in turn, made the room smell really good. Finally, once they were dried I bottled ’em up and incrementally turned them into yummy food!
Caleb 01/22/2009 at 09:23am
So this prob isn’t new news considering how much has been written on the web about it but:
May help you with the free space issue…can’t do much about the not-so-green thumb though. : /
Wendy 01/22/2009 at 09:51am
How fun! One of my goals this year is to grow my own herb garden…
Wendy´s last blog post… I did it! And I’m never doing it again…
Diane 01/22/2009 at 10:37am
Looks like you’re developing a green thumb after all. Don’t feel bad about your Japanese week; I somehow managed to kill an air fern. They don’t need water, fertilizer, sunlight – just air. Trust me, there was air in that room 🙂
Marie 01/22/2009 at 11:42pm
I’ve toyed with the idea of buying a Chia garden for my apartment, but I don’t even think I have enough space for that (also, I possess whatever’s the opposite of a green thumb)! I love the picture of the sweet little baby basil and good luck with keeping your herbs going!
Marie´s last blog post… Thyme-Roasted Yams
Allison 01/23/2009 at 02:56pm
Michael – Thanks! I can’t wait until these grow into big, yummy herbs and I can put them into all my cooking. 🙂
Caleb – Thanks for the link. I’ve seen that before, and I’d love to be able to garden like that, but the problem is that I don’t have any sort of backyard, or even a porch or a balcony. Well we do have a porch, sort of, but if we put anything there we wouldn’t be able to open the front door. 😉 And unfortunately, my tiny apartment means not much space for any sort of indoor garden, beyond these little herb pots.
Wendy – The Chia Herb Garden is definitely a great, easy starting point! 🙂
Diane – Heh hopefully I’ll be able to keep these alive long enough to get some edible herbs out of them! 😀 Keeping my fingers crossed…
Marie – I think you could try these… each pot only takes up about 3 square inches of space, so they’re perfect for even us with tiny apartments. All you really need is a little bit of space near a window where they can get sunlight. As for the green thumb (or lack thereof), these are easy because you just have to check the water level in the dish that the pot sits on… if the level is low, then you just refill it, and the plants take whatever water they need at the rate that they need it. Super easy. 🙂
Nicole 01/24/2009 at 09:45am
So… much like you, I’ve only managed to keep bamboo alive (and, to be completely honest, even that’s beginning to look a little wan). I’ve pick up (and put back down) the Chia herb thing several times, but after reading this I might give it a try. I do have a sunny window. Though it does get mighty chilly there at this time of year. Maybe I should wait a couple months before I begin. No need in putting obstacles in my way before I even start! 😉
Nicole´s last blog post… A Place in My Mind
Nate 01/26/2009 at 02:59pm
Wow, the shot of the coriander is just outstanding!
Good luck with the garden!
Nate´s last blog post… Foodbuzz 24, 24, 24: Chinese New Year Cioppino Hot Pot
Allison 01/27/2009 at 06:11pm
Nicole – Oops, sorry my dear, you got stuck in moderation! Definitely try the Chia Herb Garden, though you’re probably right… it might be best to wait until warmer weather. 😉
Nate – Thanks!