Coconut Ice Cream with Saffron

It’s summertime. It’s hot. It’s time for ice cream.
Actually, who am I kidding? It’s always time for ice cream. But now, even more so. Not only because it’s hot, but also because… *drumroll*… I got an ice cream machine!
We got this one, to be exact. From Costco. For $35. (In case you may have had any doubts about the price, Son took a picture of the price tag with his iPhone, because they accidentally overcharged us. We have proof!) It’s a steal, if you ask me. And totally worth it. In the week since we got it, we’ve made 6 batches of ice cream. And… erm… only gotten pictures of two. Not that we’ve been eating them too fast to remember to take pictures… no… of course not. *looks around innocently*
But never fear! There’s no doubt that we’ll be making them again… for pictures, of course. Not because I’m pigging out on ice cream. No, definitely not because of that. It’s the… um… duty of a food blogger, to perfect her recipes then take pictures of them for her adoring readers. (Because you all do adore me… right? … *crickets* …) Yes, such is the life of a food blogger. (Woe is me. ;))
However! I am pleased to tell you that there was one ice cream recipe that I didn’t consume too quickly to take pictures of. Well, actually… the first batch was gone pretty darn quickly. I blame that on Son. But then he suggested I make a second double-batch for his parents, because they would love it! So I did. Then stole some. For pictures, of course.

Actually, to be perfectly honest, I didn’t have more than a bite of this ice cream. Really. I’m (*sigh*) very ashamed to admit that… I don’t like coconut. Or at least not much, anyways. Not at all, compared to Son and his family. (Did I mention they’re Vietnamese? I think that might have something to do with it. Maybe. Or not.) Not that it was a problem. Son loved it, his family loved it… and I didn’t have to feel too bad about not so much liking it. But if you like coconut… you’re going to love it as well.
As for the recipe, I adapted it from David Lebovitz who adapted it from the Delicious Days cookbook, I believe. Not that I have the cookbook, so I couldn’t tell you for sure. *gives Son a gentle nudge, reminding him that I would love that cookbook* But it’s good. If you like coconut.
And that gorgeous yellow color of the ice cream? That’s from the saffron. (Yes, I was highly amused watching the pretty yellow swirls trailing from the saffron while the ice cream cooked. Both times. What? I’m easily amused.) It also adds a subtle flavor… very nice. (Quite a rich ice cream indeed, if you get the double entendre. Okay, I’m a dork.)
(One last thing… no making fun of my terrible ice cream styling. I don’t have an ice cream scoop. I’m planning a grand ice cream scoop heist from my parents’ house… soon. But until then, I must relegate myself to scooping ice cream from the container with a spoon. Which unfortunately doesn’t make for such pretty ice cream pictures.)

- 2/3 c heavy cream
- 1 c coconut milk
- 1/4 c white sugar
- scant 1/2 tsp saffron threads
Cooking Directions
- In a medium-sized saucepan, bring all the ingredients to a boil.
- Reduce the heat and simmer gently for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat, and chill the mixture thoroughly.
- Once chilled, freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s directions. Once churned, be sure to scrape any saffron threads clinging to the dasher back in to the ice cream.
Scott 07/22/2009 at 06:10am
Yumm! We have that very ice cream maker and it’s good. We made a peach ice cream with candied ginger (next time we need to add more ginger). It was awesome.
Allison 07/22/2009 at 04:39pm
Oooh, that sounds good. That’s exactly the kind of ice cream Son would love. Have a recipe, by any chance? 😀
Scott 07/22/2009 at 07:36pm
I hate to admit it, but we did it from a peach flavored mix and just added fresh peaches and candied ginger. It’s goooood though. Probably just add a couple of fresh peaches that have been chopped/smushed and 2-3 tbs of candied ginger to your best vanilla ice cream base.
Allison 07/22/2009 at 11:12pm
Hey, whatever works for you! I actually haven’t even tried making vanilla ice cream yet, but I’ll bet that with some peach puree and candied ginger it would be amazing. Yum. 🙂
Thanks for the idea!
Patricia (Brownies for Dinner) 07/28/2009 at 10:50am
This sounds amazing… and I would make this today if I had not just given up sugar (crazy, yes… I know. but it’s temporary). Bookmarking it now to try later.
Allison 07/28/2009 at 03:31pm
*gasp* No sugar?!?! Oh my. But all the cookies… and cakes… and ICE CREAM… 😉
Definitely try it once you’re back on sugar again – it’s super rich, but Son absolutely loved it. 🙂