It’s been a week of beautiful sunsets. I love how this one looks like an eagle swooping down into the ocean.
Is there any better comfort food than toast with homemade jam from your momma? I think not.
I’ve never been much of a baseball person, but I’ve found it’s kind of nice to stop and watch the adult softball games that go on every summer weeknight at our local park.
Also, picnics at the park, in the shade on a summery day. Wonderful.
Not to mention all the BLTs while tomatoes are in season. I’m not the biggest fan of the heat, but I do love summer.
Links I’ve loved lately:
If you haven’t heard of the #ILookLikeAnEngineer hashtag, it’s the most wonderful thing to happen to the internet all week. This is the original article that kicked it off, and you can see a lot of the posts aggregated here. Also, if you’re even the least bit interested in coding, Isis also wrote this great post.
And, since building stuff on the internet is always always on my mind, this article about the ways the internet has changed struck a chord. (But how to fix it?)
We love going to the Korean supermarket and buying random banchan to eat all week… and just happened to find some Korean pancakes from Trader Joe’s in our freezer. Synchronicity!
Pineapple juice on the rocks
Hot days require frozen drinks.
Thai chicken bread from 85°F. Not bad, not great. Tasted kind of like pizza.
Fire boat sushi. Too spicy for me, but Son loved it.
Lobster feast roll. I quite enjoyed this one.
I always love red bean ice cream.
And a beautiful sunset on the way home!
Links I’ve loved lately:
We just got a Roomba. This is kind of my life right now.
I love this post about community so much.
We’ve had weird weather lately. Super stormy (for LA), then this crazy thick, warm fog unlike anything I’ve ever seen in LA.
I may be clumsy, but at least I have sushi bandaids which obviously make everything better.
The best easy dinner.
Summer tomatoes are my favoritest.
Fluffy blankets are a necessity, even in the middle of summer.
Tried a new restaurant. Not bad!
Most people want a summer filled with sun and sand… my summer’s more like Son and sandwiches. 😀
My latest obsession. It’s SO refreshing.
My mom knows us well… she went on vacation and brought back saltwater taffy in ALL sorts of weird flavors – like mango chile, chicken and waffles, maple bacon…
Have a wonderful week!
Links I’ve loved lately:
I’m totally into the idea of complement club.
Dog sitting! (Or rather, dogs sitting on me.)
I’m SO not a tiramisu person. But my little brother brought me back these tiramisus from Urth Cafe, and HOLY COW THEY ARE SO GOOD.
Rain in LA means it’s the perfect time for… tofu soup! Even if it is actually kind of warm and muggy outside.
And did I mention… RAIN!!!
Yesterday’s leftovers turned into today’s dinner. Pretty darn genius, if I do say so myself. 😀
Links I’ve loved lately:
This video about how fake plastic foods are made in Japan is REALLY cool. Watch it to the end – the cabbage BLEW. OUR. MINDS.
I kind of want one of these caravan offices. It would be kind of cool to be able to literally work from anywhere!
This week, we headed off to Austin for a business trip.
When you’re tired and hungry from traveling all day, having a nearby grocery store with decent premade food is the best.
Our hotel was a few blocks away from the big river that runs through Austin, so we walked down there for a bit. Though the weather was warm and muggy, the breeze coming off the water made up for it.
A friend from high school lives and works in Austin, and her shop was very close to the offices where we were to be working. So of course, we had to stop by and visit!
You’d think, being in Texas, we’d try to find some good BBQ or Tex-Mex for our first meal, right? But we wanted something light and easy, so we headed to the Thai restaurant next to our hotel.
My pad thai was really good! … but totally NOT pad thai. Ah well. Son’s fish curry was pretty tasty, although it was SUPER spicy.
The next day, the client had Tex-Mex catered for lunch. Not bad!
After we left the office, we headed down to the river again, and stopped by Burger Bar for a (really freaking delicious) strawberry shortcake milkshake.
We wanted to try their burgers, too, but we were meeting someone for dinner half an hour later.
We ended up at Gus’s Fried Chicken for dinner.
Holy mother of deliciousness, this was by far the best fried chicken I’d ever tasted.
And that coleslaw! And the sweet tea!
Don’t go for the mac n’ cheese, though. It was pretty gross.
And those fried green tomatoes were pretty darn delicious, too.
Later, I looked up Gus’s Fried Chicken online, and discovered that they’re planning on opening a location in LA soon! This is very, very exciting. I am going to eat so much fried chicken.
Another fun, delicious discovery was this Caphin Vietnamese coffee. I’m kind of obsessed – it’s really good.
I took a photo, intending to try to buy more when I got back to LA, only to find that it’s a Texas-only product.
Anybody in Texas want to ship me a case or two? 😀
Lunch on our last day was BBQ from IronWorks BBQ.
Brisket, ribs, sausage… the works.
Good stuff!
Later, we met up with my high school friend and ended up at a Tex Mex restaurant for dinner.
Breakfast tacos!
Son got a taco plate – al pastor, shrimp tacos, a tamale.
I was really into his guacamole… I liked it way better than the California-style guac we find here.
Adios, Texas, see y’all next time!
Links I’ve loved lately:
This article about mixed-up twins is really interesting.
I absolutely love this blog series about sweets at Trader Joe’s. Every week I look forward to their next post about it!
This article about people in tiny houses is pretty funny.
I kind of really want to do this to my jeans. Yes, I’m *that* much of a nerd. 😀
What happens when you put jell-o in an ice cream maker? The more you know. (And I totally want to try it.)
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.