So. Johnnie’s Pastrami. Have you tried it?
Despite living in LA all my life, I had somehow never heard about it until now. (I don’t even know.)
Suffice to say, it was a life-changing experience when a friend brought one over for me to try. It’s one hell of a sandwich!
Fireworks reservations.
Crumble bars! These were so good. And so easy!
Can’t go wrong with a classic BLT…
My mom is a genius. My mom made chocolate ice cream, vanilla ice cream, strawberry ice cream… then combined them all into a neopolitan ice cream sandwich with homemade brownies.
They were freaking amazing.
Links I’ve loved lately:
This art installation seems pretty cool.
So excited for Misty Copeland! I got to see her dance way back before she was at ABT, and even then she was amazing.
There’s always the fear that we already missed out as entrepreneurs, which is why this article is a must-read (and a must-reread-often, for me): You Are Not Late.
All the caprese, all summer long.
Fried catfish
Grilled salmon with mango salsa. Good stuff.
Links I’ve loved lately:
Some days work feels like this…
When you have a case of the Mondays… a fun breakfast helps. 😀
Met some friends at Manpuku for Japanese BBQ.
… or Korean BBQ? I’m still not entirely sure.
Either way, it was seriously delicious.
And soooo much food. It wasn’t super pricey, but we still all left very satisfied.
Took Son’s dad to Little Saigon for Father’s Day.
They have about a bazillion little food-to-go places, where you can buy tons of different Vietnamese foods to take home and eat later.
We somehow ended up stopping by seven of them. o_0
(I may or may not have snuck a piece of this bò lá lốt while Son and his dad were in another shop.)
Then, for dinner, we ended up at a snail place (which happened to also be the seventh food-to-go shop).
Yes, snails. In the egg rolls. It was actually pretty tasty!
Super spicy fermented pork belly (I didn’t try this one)
Pandan waffle (I *definitely* tried this one… quite a bit. 😀 )
Balogna-type meat, with snails. The fried ones were really tasty.
Banh beo – one of my favorite Vietnamese foods.
Banh canh… kind of reminds me of Japanese udon.
Banh bot loc la. The food just kept coming… and unfortunately by this time I could only have a bite of it, but it was tasty! We got some to go. 😀
And, on Father’s Day, a repeat of the hot milk cake I made for his birthday this year. Good stuff. ^_^
Currently reading:
I finished Perfect State
, by Brandon Sanderson, in about a day. An interesting short story worth reading, especially if you’re a fan of his Reckoners
Currently re-reading Promise of Blood
by Brian McClellan. I discovered his writing sometime last year, and instantly read everything I could find that he had published. Although he’s a new author, I would put him on the same level as Robert Jordan or Brandon Sanderson (who, I believe, is Brian McClellan’s mentor). The third book in the trilogy, The Autumn Republic
, came out earlier this year, and I put off reading it because I didn’t want the series to end (please tell me I’m not the only one who does that?), so I’m now re-reading the first two books (and all his Powder Mage short stories and novellas) before getting into The Autumn Republic.
Links I’ve loved lately:
What is the greatest good? How do you make sure your money makes the most impact when donating to charities?
If you’re a nerd like me, then you’ll probably find this article about Obama and his geeks very interesting.
GOATS. IN. PAJAMAS. The best thing I’ve watched all year. 😀
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.
This week in my world…
Typical lunch.
Sent Son to the drugstore because we were out of potato chips, and he came back with these. Not complaining, they were actually pretty delicious.
It felt like vacation… because the only time I’m ever somewhere that it’s this hot and humid at 9pm is on vacation. ^_^
Gardening vicariously though the tomatoes my brother and his girlfriend planted at my dad’s house.
Baby tomato! (Also, wall.)
Some days, supermarket sushi will have to do.
Classic Santouka ramen.
Tried Rita’s Italian Ice for the first time, on my dad’s recommendation. Got the mango and vanilla gelati, and LOVED it.
Spicy tuna onigiri from the Mitsuwa Gourmet Fair. Tastes like the onigiri from Japan. <3
This onigiri was the bomb. It was even named “The Bomb”!
Links I’ve loved lately:
Reading as therapy? I’m totally down with that.
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.
A (very quiet) week in my life… aka this is what happens when I don’t step away from the computer all week.
Strawberry. Rhubarb. Crumble. Bar. Coming to the blog soon!
After more than a year of wearing my “temporary” (heh) engagement ring every day, it had gotten very tarnished… but after a ketchup soak and a few coats of clear nail polish, it’s as good as new!
This biker with a big teddy bear in his backseat made my day.
Links I’ve loved lately:
A comprehensive guide to the regional ramen of Japan.
The best thing I’ve read all week: How (Not) to Make Gushers
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.