Weekly Wanderings {week 25}
It’s been a week of beautiful sunsets. I love how this one looks like an eagle swooping down into the ocean.

Is there any better comfort food than toast with homemade jam from your momma? I think not.

I’ve never been much of a baseball person, but I’ve found it’s kind of nice to stop and watch the adult softball games that go on every summer weeknight at our local park.

Also, picnics at the park, in the shade on a summery day. Wonderful.

Not to mention all the BLTs while tomatoes are in season. I’m not the biggest fan of the heat, but I do love summer.

Links I’ve loved lately:
If you haven’t heard of the #ILookLikeAnEngineer hashtag, it’s the most wonderful thing to happen to the internet all week. This is the original article that kicked it off, and you can see a lot of the posts aggregated here. Also, if you’re even the least bit interested in coding, Isis also wrote this great post.
And, since building stuff on the internet is always always on my mind, this article about the ways the internet has changed struck a chord. (But how to fix it?)