Borough Market, London {May 2014}
After breakfast at The Table Cafe, we wandered to the nearby Borough Market.

We found a cool wall.

And just when we thought we were lost on this dreary, drizzly morning…

Hello there, Borough Market.

We arrived around 10am, early enough that there were no crowds, and many of the vendors were just barely setting up shop.

Quaintest field trip ever?

All my life, I had wondered what Turkish delight tastes like. (Thank you, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.) In the US, it’s not exactly a common dessert – in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered it here. So of course, without one moment of hesitation, when I saw an entire Turkish delight shop at Borough Market, I had to buy some.

From there, we continued to wander throughout the market.

Practically every medieval-era fantasy book out there has an instance where the hero or heroine stops to grab a hot meat pie from a vendor, on their way to somewhere important.
(It should come as no surprise that much of my worldly knowledge comes from being a voracious fantasy reader. 😀 )
And again, this is another one of those things that you just don’t really see all that often in the US. I had certainly never tried one before.
On a cold, dreary, rainy day… a piping hot bison pie really hits the spot.

After wandering through the entire indoor section of Borough Market…

We went out the back, and discovered there’s an outdoor section to the market too!

Egg tarts – possibly Son’s biggest weakness.

(Hey, look… more pies! Of course I had to go check it out.)

“Hold on, I gotta check the map… how do we get back?”

We took the Northern line from London Bridge station to Bank station; then the District line to South Kensington, and walked back to the hotel.

Immediately upon our return to the hotel… we got into the goodies.

Our first time trying Turkish delight certainly was delightful.
(Clockwise from top: fig and walnut, carrot, pistachio, and rose-flavored Turkish delights.)

The pastéis de nata (egg tarts) from Borough Market were absolutely divine.

We regretted not getting two!

By then, our jet-lagged selves were completely tuckered out. Several hours of sweet, Turkish delight-flavored dreams ensued… and then we were off to more adventures in London!
A_Boleyn 09/20/2016 at 12:53pm
I’m envious of all the great places you’ve visited over the years. London is one of the places I’ve always wanted to see. Thank you for sharing your experiences and great pictures. The market looks amazing.
St. John’s Restaurant and Bar, London {May, 2014} on 01/03/2017 at 06:04am
[…] after our nap (not to mention, those wonderful heated bathroom floors – best thing ever for feet frozen by […]
Egg Tarts on 01/18/2017 at 01:45am
[…] We’ve gotten them at plenty of bakeries here, as well as on our trip to Hong Kong last year (which is coming soon to the blog!), but our favorites were the ones we got at Borough Market in London. […]