Weekly Wanderings {week 42}
This is how I roll.

Mochi mochi mochi (mochi!)

Now that’s what I’m (breakfast) taco-ing about.

Drip… drop… on a very foggy night.

Comfort food. I will never say no to curry udon, especially in the middle of winter.

Also, black sesame ice cream. Even in the middle of winter.

It’s that time of the year… Nutcracker season! I do miss being on the other side of the curtain, though.

Post-Nutcracker noms – Roscoe’s chicken and waffles!

Went on a run, stopped to watch the local holiday parade.

When we run, we like to explore our city every now and then. This time, we found a cool wall.

Our runs end up at Five Guys more often than I’d like to admit. 😀

Links I’ve loved lately:
Things I want to eat:
I’m intrigued by the idea of this black sesame soup.
Totally want to try these dark chocolate coconut cups.
And peppermint mochi sounds so tasty!
I wouldn’t mind some sesame in my brownies…
The ooey gooeyness of these chocolate peanut butter bars just looks so good.
Cake for breakfast? Don’t mind if I do!
My family loooooves those chocolate oranges, so these chocolate orange cheesecake bars would be a hit!
Kinpara gobo is one of those things I love, but never quite learned to make. It’s time!