Weekly Wanderings {week 41}
Found a monarch butterfly hanging out on the front walk of our soon-to-be new house. That’s a good sign, right?

Looks like something out of a sci-fi movie.

Beach sunset.

Cookie swap time! Totally addicted to these key lime cookies that I got from Lisa.

Tasty chocolate chia pistachio cookies from Teresa.

Amazingly delicious tonkatsu gozen from Kagura.

Bo kho (Vietnamese beef stew)

All sorts of footprints in the sand.

Links I’ve loved lately:
I love a good pun.
Things I want to eat:
These black sesame buttermilk tartlettes are so pretty (and sound so tasty!)
This oyster gumbo pot pie sounds like the sort of thing Son would LOVE.
Such cute pumpkin mochi!
I love those cranberry hazelnut crisps, but they’re so expensive! Time to learn to make them at home.
Yes to chashu, always.
I really want to make popovers one of these days.