Weekly Wanderings {week 32}
Beach life.

I don’t hang out at the beach all that often, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve been in the water, but when I can, running at the beach is my favorite thing.

Breakfast for dinner. Perks of being an adult.

All of a sudden this year, I’ve developed a fondness for lavender. These lavender sachets (from Etsy) make me happy.

It’s that time of year again… time for moon cakes!

Links I’ve loved lately:
Son’s makes me laugh.
This is pretty accurate. It’s like being in a game of frogger!
For those of us (ahem, me) who aren’t all that great at building networks, this is a great article I’ll be reading again and again.
Things I want to eat:
This butternut squash pasta sauce sounds kind of amazing. Also, their smoked salmon cream sauce.
I need to make this miso tuna salad. I have all the ingredients! It must happen.
This sounds like the kind of flavor combination I would adore.
I love fig newtons. They always make me think of Ramona Quimby… did you read those books when you were younger, too?
Would not complain if you put a cinnamon roll in my blondies…
Pretty sure I would LOVE this graham cracker cake.
Brisket chili… chipotle cheddar biscuits… all good things.
Har gow is a favorite around here… time to learn to make it at home?
I’m not totally a quinoa person, but I could be for this chocolate quinoa breakfast bowl.