Weekly Wanderings {week 26}
When a flight to Japan isn’t an option, Mitsuwa’s food court is a good stand-in. 😀

There’s a “Mochi cream” event going on at the Torrance, CA Mitsuwa right now, so since we were there anyways, we checked it out and tried a few different types.
I always love kinako dango.

The ohagi goma was fantastic, and we loved how they were filled with so much azuki bean.

The shoyu-glazed mochi were a favorite.

This week, I’m reading The City Stained Red. I’m not far in yet, but definitely enjoying it so far.

My sister was in town for a few days, so we brought back the family dinners we had started going during the spring. Delicious, and tons of fun.

Links I’ve loved lately:
Have you ever thought that you might want to be a food blogger like me? Then this article is a must read. (Greatest “how to be a food blogger” article ever. 😀 )
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.