Weekly Wanderings {week 8}
The last (two) weeks in my world…
We’ve suddenly gone from being a household that is ‘meh’ about cheese, to one that always has a delicious cheese in the fridge. This week, goat cheese with fig jam and walnuts. So good!

This is real life. Rice with… stuff. This week: canned clams, random Japanese sides we bought from Mitsuwa, and furikake nori.

I was having a particularly difficult day, only to come home to find that Son had cooked dinner! He makes me so happy. And the scrambled eggs and mushrooms were freaking fantastic.

I made colcannon for the first time ever.

We be feasting!

This year was the first time we ever did the whole “traditional” St. Patrick’s Day thing. It was wonderful!

Son cooking dinner is now a weekly thing. Every Wednesday, after my ballet class, I come home to find him in the kitchen, watching TV and cooking sauteed mushrooms and scrambled eggs. ^_^

It’s ugly as all heck, but I finished crocheting a potholder! This is all very exciting. 😀

Sunday dinner last week started with caprese salad on a stick…

… and ended with (slightly burnt) angel food cake, and a rowdy game of Cards Against Humanity. Son won this week. o_0

Son’s been obsessed with the idea of natto for the longest time. This week, we actually tried it for the first time. At first, we both found it repulsive. But Son (being the frugal, refuses to throw away perfectly good food kind of guy that he is) kept trying it again and again… and by the time he got to the end of the container, he actually really enjoyed it! I still find it a little odd, but I’ve also got to admit that it’s not that bad.

We found a hummingbird nest by our front walk! I’ve been checking on it every day when I walk by… I’m hoping to see itty bitty hummingbird babies soon!

Pickles are a must with fried chicken.

When we can, we love to go exploring around LA. Our lives have been so hectic lately, so it’s a nice break – and as close as we get to a weekend off, these days.

Since we had to be in the area anyways, we got to stop by Caroline Adobo’s cake pop-up at Dripp Bar in Chino Hills, CA last weekend.
Clockwise from top left: tres leches cake, matcha almond latte cake, strawberry mango cake, three bears mocha cake. All were fantastic.

My favorite eggplant dish.

Adore this pork belly.

We’re obsessed with this steamed cod.

Have a wonderful week!
Links I’ve loved lately:
I wish we had Daffodil Days here too!
As a female in tech, this is important.
We need more security princesses in the world.
Excellent writing.
Love the idea of these double tahini sandwich cookies. More sesame in my life is always a good thing.
I’ve got a thing for Asian desserts.
Exactly how I feel about all the negativity online these days. And also why I’m so, sooo grateful that the Fridgg community is so positive and supportive of each other.
This sounds heavenly.
I’d be all over these Matcha Cruffins.
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.