Weekly Wanderings {2016 week 19}
We always, always come back from trips to Japan with tons and tons of goodies to give out to our family.
Those half-moon cookies are a favorite – we’ve bought them the last two times we’ve gone to Japan, and everyone loves them!

Also, those camambert cookies (“Tokyo Milk Cheese Factory”). They sound odd, but ohmygod they are so good.
They were giving out samples at the shop in the airport, and we totally went back for seconds. And then bought more to bring home. 😀

These rusk cookies were pretty tasty too.
I preferred the kinako…

… while Son liked the matcha ones better.

We really, really enjoyed these black sesame pastries.

And of course, all sorts of different flavors of Kit Kats are a must anytime you go to Japan!

While we were in Japan, we were also working remotely. We’d go out during the day, then go back to our room after dinner and stay up until 6am working and attending conference calls with our client. Unexpectedly, these odd hours meant that when we came home to LA, we haven’t been nearly as jetlagged as we usually are after travelling – instead, we’ve been naturally waking up before sunrise, and have been perfectly awake all day!
Early mornings led to early morning runs – I like this schedule!

The beach is so quiet in the morning.

I found a weird bug at the beach. It was huge!

Watching the sunrise while doing some morning stretches on the floor.

When we bought our house, it unexpectedly came with some koi! They were teeny tiny when we moved in, and now, four months later, they’ve already almost doubled in size.

Hủ tiếu. Again.

Mix in the tasty meat sauce (possibly the best part!).

Son decided our house needed more trees. This meant that I got eaten alive by said tree on the drive home from the nursery…

Palm tree seeds. Such a vibrant color!

A peace lily for my office.

Garlic pork. Tasty.

Yakisoba. Not bad, but not as good as we’d hoped it would be.

My very first attempt at replicating the omelet we had over omurice on our Japan trip. Not bad… but not quite there yet.

Green curry salmon. Tasty!


Links I’ve loved lately:
This is hilarious.
We love pho (of course), so I loved reading about the history of pho.