TWD – Crème Brûlée

I’m so ashamed. I joined the Tuesday’s With Dorie baking group and I was so excited about being able to bake along with them! But then… I miss a week. And not just any week… my first week. How terrible is that?
It really wasn’t my fault, I swear! I was already to bake this week’s recipe, so I headed over to my local grocery store to buy the ingredients that I didn’t have… the whole milk and the heavy cream. I went over to the dairy section, and… nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. The dairy section was almost completely empty. I’m guessing they had some sort of power outage so they had to get rid of all the diary… unfortunately, this meant no crème brûlée for me. No way would I be able to make it in time.
Lucky for me, I was able to get to another grocery store today and get the dairy products I needed. So although they are just a little late… they’re here. Just for you. Yay!
So, on to the food. And the recipe, since that’s what you really care about. Hmmm. I wanted to tell you about the first time I ever had crème brûlée, and how much I adore the dessert, but… I actually have no recollection of ever trying it. Really? Wow. I have had crème brûlée *flavored* mochilato (like mochi ice cream but with gelato instead of ice cream), but I don’t think I’ve ever had crème brûlée. This is astonishing. Crazy. Really, have I never had it? *Wracks her brain one more time for crème brûlée memories*… nope. Never.

Which is why my first time trying crème brûlée (today!) was amazing. Wonderful. Delicious. Despite all the setbacks, (inability to find dairy products, can’t find the right dishes, and no flamethrower blowtorch!) they were entirely worth it. Perhaps these may make another appearance for a certain someone’s birthday?
Since I didn’t have the traditional crème brûlée dishes, I used glass custard cups instead, which gave me four servings instead of six. Unfortunately, this also meant they took longer to cook. A lot longer. Also, I have no blowtorch. I don’t know anyone who lives very close to me who has a blowtorch. Thus, I couldn’t use a flame to caramelize the sugar topping. Oh well, broiler it was. Probably a bit more work than using a blowtorch, and not quite as pretty, but it still worked fantastically. 🙂

Oh, and the recipe? It can be found here. Really, though, I think you should buy the book. It’s a fantastic cookbook… you’ll be seeing many more desserts from “Baking From My Home To Yours” in the coming weeks! Also, if you would like to join the Tuesday’s With Dorie baking group and bake with us, you have until October 31! After that, they’re closing the doors and not allowing any more new members.
Marthe 10/02/2008 at 06:41am
Welcome to TWD! I’m glad you liked the Crème Brûlée! I absolutely loved the taste as well as playing with the torch 🙂
Marthe’s last blog post… TWD: Crème Brûlée with Star Anise and White Chocolate
Jaime 10/02/2008 at 11:52am
welcome to TWD! fabulous job making do w/your oven broiler 🙂
Jaime’s last blog post… Crème Brûlée (TWD)
pinkstripes 10/02/2008 at 01:48pm
Welcome. We’re glad to have you!
pinkstripes’s last blog post… {TWD} Crème Brûlée
Allison 10/02/2008 at 03:53pm
Thank you all for the fabulous welcome! I’m very excited to finally be baking along with you. The upcoming recipes all sound so delicious. 🙂
Jamie Simmerman 10/03/2008 at 07:10am
MMM. my favorite. Those pictures make me drool! Thanks.
Jamie Simmerman’s last blog post… We Donate with Squidoo, Do You?
Barbara 10/05/2008 at 06:15pm
Lovely! Welcome to TWD!
I did a rewind this week, but after all the wonderful pictures I’m seeing, I just have to try this recipe sometime…
Barbara’s last blog post… TWD: Double Rewind for Creme Brulee week
Caramel-Peanut-Topped Brownie Cake - TWD on 10/07/2008 at 12:02am
[…] to week two of Allison screws up the Tuesdays with Dorie recipe! Last week, the crème brûlée had all it’s parts, tasted delicious, but just wasn’t very pretty. This week, […]
Allison 10/07/2008 at 09:42pm
Jamie – 🙂 Glad you liked our pictures! They were very delicious.
Barbara – Yes, definitely try it! Even if you have to use the broiler, it’s so worth the extra work. 🙂
Tanto Izakaya - Sunnyvale, CA on 10/09/2008 at 02:36pm
[…] been traveling for two of the last three weeks, and when I was home I barely had time to make two TWD recipes, never mind trying to cook other foods! Subscribe RSS or Email | Digg | | […]
Sustainable Sushi at Mashiko – Seattle, WA - Sushi Day - 08/24/2009 at 07:53pm
[…] last course was a small bowl of organic jasmine pearl crème brulée. This dessert involved no seafood, so there was no discussion of sustainability with it. It was […]