This week in my world…
Ohmygod this pastrami sandwich from Orleans and York is so good.
Peanut butter and jelly muffins. Holy shiitake mushrooms I’m addicted to these! Did I mention they’re vegan?
Chocolate and peanut butter muffins. Also delicious. Also vegan. Recipes for both will be on here eventually.
Makers gonna make…
Just playing around.
the best way i can think to honor our veterans
is to make sure the land of the free
stays that way
and ensure that their hard work and sacrifice
wasn’t all in vain
Taco time!
Sometimes, life just makes you want to run away and join the circus.
My bridespeople just weirdly happened to all be in town at the same time, so of course I threw a party just for the heck of it. (P.S. Did I mention Son and I are finally getting married… sometime next year?!)
This week in my world…
The Goodnight/Good Cause burger is so good…
…and those truffle fries! *swoon*
And then… crรจme fraรฎche ice cream with pear caramel. #doingmondayright
I am the dorkiest.
Happy Halloween!
My mom always makes us the coolest wreaths/door hangings. Son especially loved the October one. The skeleton glows in the dark!
When he says he’s buying a couple of strippers but you can’t really be mad… ๐
I found a new hobby. I’m also SUPER sore.
Wonton soup. Comfort food.
Thai iced tea.
Morning light.
I think I overdid it on the believing this week… now I’m too sore to get out of bed. ๐
Drone race!
Drone… oops.
Really cool topography thing. You can move the sand around and the image overlay will change to match the actual topography.
I made a new friend.
Alllll the tacos.
Coffee/study break.
… or are you just happy to see me?
Links I’ve loved lately:
This new Pixar short film is SOO GOOD.
This week in my world…
A pop of red on a grey afternoon; the kind of weather that teases with sprinkles here and there, but never quite commits to a full downpour.
Even the teeny-tinyest faerie houses have gotten into the Halloween spirit! ๐ป๐
Every other year or so, my mom and I get a craving for Big Macs and go on a McDonalds date.
This week in my world…
Rain! ๐
Reason #86 why I’m marrying Son: he knows that the way to this girl’s heart is neither diamond rings nor fancy things… nope, it’s FLUFFY SOCKS. ๐
My mommy made me snickerdoodles for my birthday.
Coffee on milk.
My birthday present(s) to myself. If you don’t hear from me for a few days… this is why.
Fresh-baked bread, garlic dipping sauce. Addictively good.
Mushrooms. Meh.
Calimari is always tasty.
Pasta carbonara.
Son and his OMG SO DELICIOUS squid ink seafood pasta. Holy cow, it was so good. We almost ordered another one to go.
So freaking good.
Birthday bundt cake! (With fluffy socks and a programming book!)
Light and dark.
Links I’ve loved lately:
It’s true, book fairs were everything, and I still have our entire set of Boxcar Children books!
There are still good people in the world.
This week in my world…
I know it’s like, the most American thing ever, but I’m a sucker for moo shu pork.
A flower fell off one of our champaca trees, so Son put it in a bowl of water for me. MY OFFICE SMELLS SO GOOD.
Ham. Frico egg. Curry mayo. English muffin. Yum.
In this week episode of Son’s garden adventures… we somehow managed to wrangle an 8-foot trellis into our little Accord. ๐
The Big Mo’s Favorite Po-Boy for me…
…and the Gumbo Mumbo Platter for Son.
So delicious. And so much food… we ended up taking more than half of it home for dinner!
I’m ready to eat.
It appears our house has a very large spider problem… ๐ฑ
Delicate delicata.