Weekly Wanderings {week 44}
The most delicious pineapple tarts, from my Food52 Secret Swap partner.

A wonderfully delicious lavender vegan doughnut from a lovely friend.

When you want popcorn but you don’t want to get your hands dirty… 😀 **also works for Cheetos

Links I’ve loved lately:
I <3 used bookstores.
Things I want to eat:
Something similar to this pistachio nougat is popular in Vietnam, so I’m definitely going to have to make this for Son’s family one of these days.
This is my kind of fudge!
Been kind of obsessed with eggplant lately, so I really want to try this Cantonese eggplant casserole.
Must try these molten lava black sesame mochi balls!
These vegan BBQ “pulled” carrot sandwiches sound intriguing.
Don’t these gingerbread pancakes with salted treacle butter sound amazing?