Weekly Wanderings {week 37}
That wonderful thing when a friend makes you a bunch of healthy deliciousness, which feeds you for the next week. <3


Hot pot.

Cold ice cream.


Still eating breakfast tacos after our Austin trip.

Links I’ve loved lately:
YASSSSSS I so want one of these.
Things I want to eat:
Son’s dad has been sending che xoi nuoc home with us whenever we visit recently, so now I really want to learn to make it.
I am always all about everything chocolate peanut butter.
And while we’re on the topic of my obsessions, black sesame everything.
This pumpkin pasta looks pretty amazing.
These coconut maple-glazed carrots sound wonderful.
And miso cauliflower? Yeah, I could totally do that.
These apple fritters are making me swoon.
The absolute cutest totoro egg toasts!
When I was a teenager, I was obsessed with Violet Crumble. So now, every time I see a recipe for honeycomb candy, I really really want to make it…
I adore scallion pancakes, especially if there’s bacon involved!
This ramen looks amazing, in the trashiest possible way.
I mean, who *wouldn’t* love a homemade twinkie bundt cake?!
These baklava bars sound pretty amazing.