Weekly Wanderings {week 30}
Feeding my lavender obsession with pretty sachets to put everywhere.

Fallen flowers.

This heat though. *melts*

Venturing into the world of smoothies. This one – chocolate + kale. Not bad…

The view from where I’ve permanently melted.

Links I’ve loved lately:
Things I want to eat:
I’m intrigued by these thousand layer chocolate chip cookies.
This is the kind of decadence I want in my breakfast sandwiches.
I’ve been keeping an eye out for delicious-sounding vegan recipes lately, so this vegan pho piqued my interest.
Asian ice cream flavors are the best.
Seriously tempted to buy a spiralizer just so I can make this for breakfast.
I definitely would enjoy the heck out of this red bean bread.
I am of the belief that KFC stands for Korean Fried Chicken (although the other kind is pretty darn tasty too).
These fancy s’mores are so elegant!