Weekly Wanderings {week 14}
Son knows how to make me feel better when I’m super stressed. It usually involves ice cream… or in this case, almond crunch gelato. <3

The Mitsuwa Hawaii Gourmet Fair was this week!
Their saimin was most excellent.

Son quite enjoyed the garlic shrimp plate.

Spam musubi. From front: perilla leaf, wasabi, and tamago + furikake nori.

85°C has macarons now. Not bad… we particularly liked the black sesame one.

Pepper chicken from our go-to Chinese restaurant. Crispy-crunchy, delicious, with just the slightest bit of a kick.

Links I’ve loved lately:
I always love the short stories on Some Kitchen Stories, and this one particularly struck a chord this week.
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.