Son knows how to make me feel better when I’m super stressed. It usually involves ice cream… or in this case, almond crunch gelato. <3
The Mitsuwa Hawaii Gourmet Fair was this week!
Their saimin was most excellent.
Son quite enjoyed the garlic shrimp plate.
Spam musubi. From front: perilla leaf, wasabi, and tamago + furikake nori.
85°C has macarons now. Not bad… we particularly liked the black sesame one.
Pepper chicken from our go-to Chinese restaurant. Crispy-crunchy, delicious, with just the slightest bit of a kick.
Links I’ve loved lately:
I always love the short stories on Some Kitchen Stories, and this one particularly struck a chord this week.
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.
{photo credit: Lisa | Sweet 2 Eat Baking}
a few of my favorite things on Fridgg this week:
the prettiest purple cake {KokiDoo}
love this japanese twist on a blt {Otaku Food}
these tacos. {Wicked Spatula}
cupcakes fit for royalty {SugarHero!}
i love everything about these potato cakes {Consumption Compulsion}
lava cakes with a cookie butter twist {ImPECKable Eats}
mango salsa was made for fish tacos {Create Mindfully}
helloooo, poutine! {Cooking Glory}
street food makes me happy {Cooking Glory}
fascinated by this ice cream flavor combo of rosemary and brown sugar {Toot Sweet}
bring on bbq season! {Life Love and Good Food}
i’m all about these baked chocolate nutella doughnuts {Homemade Hooplah}
the most refreshing dessert for summer {Oh, The Things We’ll Make}
how to impress your friends at summer parties {Bake. Eat. Repeat.}
moist lemon cakes are my happy place {Worth Whisking}
the most impressive cake i’ve seen all month! {SugarHero!}
i would like a bowl of this chicken for dinner every night {The Kiwi Fruit}
pretty little strawberry meringues {Toot Sweet}
petite, party-perfect pavlovas {Tikkido}
love the styling of this photo {Bobbi’s Kozy Kitchen}
you can’t go wrong with fried balls of cheese {Oh My Dish}
who needs coffee AND doughnuts, when you can have coffee doughnuts? {Jane’s Adventures in Dinner}
beautiful blueberry pie {Encourage Your Spouse}
ready for summer, ready for all the caprese! {Lou Lou Biscuit}
samoa. rice. krispy. treats. need i say more? {Sweet2Eat Baking}
i find the idea of these cantaloupe “cappuccinos” totally intriguing {Eatwell 101}
never would have thought to add honey and sesame to caprese, but definitely want to try it {Eatwell 101}
my Friday Fridgg Favorites are a very small selection of the photos and recipes on Fridgg that I’ve loved in the past week. this is by no means an all-encompassing list of what’s awesome on Fridgg this week. take a look, and find your favorites!
do you have a favorite that I didn’t mention? let me know in the comments!
What’s happening in my world this week…
The best pancakes I have ever made (recipe will be posted… eventually. We all know how this goes.), with macerated strawberries.
… in the middle of the night.
Because I’m a grown-up, and I’m allowed to? 😀
I’m conflicted about this green grass. On one hand, we’re in a drought, but on the other hand it’s recycled water, so… maybe it’s okay? I don’t know. Can we just get a bunch of rain already so I don’t have to worry myself about these sorts of things?
I was stretching after a run, when Son walked in the room. “I can do the splits, too! … nailed it.”
Fried eggs. Old electric apartment stove.
When you’re still up writing code at 2am because you’re working with a team in China… leftover pancakes come in handy.
Tried the mango flavor of mochi ice cream for the first time, and it’s now my favorite flavor.
Also, if you’re not stabbing your mochi ice cream with a chopstick and eating it like a popsicle… you’re doing it wrong. 😉
Perfect avocado.
Even better on fish tacos.
I’m very morel-istic. (Ba-dum ba! I’ll be here all week.)
It’s been ten years (!!!) since Son and I went on our first date.
We celebrated by making a most-delicious chicken, morel, and rice dish for dinner… and then working late into the night, as we do.
To make up for all the work we had to do on our anniversary, we went out to a local Greek restaurant the next day.
Very tasty Mediterranean dips with pita bread (the baba ganouj was by far our favorite).
Son was craving a good steak, so we shared the filet mignon. Tasty!
Have a wonderful week!
Links I’ve loved lately:
What kind of foodie are you? (I’m somewhere between the Outer Borough Striver and the Feudo-DJ.)
Important reminders for you, and me, and all of us. Don’t be a dick.
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.
{photo credit: Simply called “food”}
a few of my favorite things on Fridgg this week:
love the idea of chorizo in carbonara {Bobbi’s Kozy Kitchen}
the best hamburger buns {Use Real Butter}
extra crumb on my crumb cake, please! {Love Bakes Good Cakes}
the tropical flavors of these madelines sound so lovely {Sunday Supper Movement}
would happily demolish a plate of these chicken wings {MC^2 Creative Living}
this cheesecake sounds wonderful {Worth Whisking}
summer, here i come! {Peanut Butter and Peppers}
my kind of salad {Dude For Food}
quinoa sushi is kind of a fun idea {Simply Called “Food”}
beautiful, beautiful comfort food {Kitchen Sanctuary}
been obsessed with white asparagus (spargel!) since our germany trip last year {Oh My Dish}
in love with the colors in this photo {Eatwell 101}
vietnamese salads are my happy place {The Petit Gourmet}
i need these chocolate peanut butter cupcakes in my life {Simply Stacie}
these strawberry margarita cupcakes are tons of fun {Family Table Treasures}
ooey gooey, sweet and savory, what’s not to love about these berry jam grilled cheese sandwiches? {La Fuji Mama}
chocolate peanut butter anything always makes me happy, but especially when it’s ice cream {Worth Whisking}
love this bright and summery orange cream cheese frosting {The Princess and Her Cowboys}
want to dip all the things in this sauce {MJ’s Kitchen}
this banana lassi sounds so refreshing and wonderful {Hari Ghotra}
kind of obsessed with this photo. {Eatwell 101}
ready for summer! hot days, lazy afternoons, popsicles! {Eatwell 101}
my Friday Fridgg Favorites are a very small selection of the photos and recipes on Fridgg that I’ve loved in the past week. this is by no means an all-encompassing list of what’s awesome on Fridgg this week. take a look, and find your favorites!
do you have a favorite that I didn’t mention? let me know in the comments!
This week in my life…
One of my favorite things about living in LA is the fact that I can easily go to Japanese, Korean, and American supermarkets in a single trip… which results in some very random (but delicious) dinners.
Next week marks ten years (!!!) since my first date with Son. He gave me a gift early – an adorable terrarium (and, fingers-crossed, finally a plant that I won’t kill…)!
Japanese miso hot pot, no spice, with rice.
Lamb hot pot, medium spice, with rice.
Can you guess whose is whose? 😀
New boots.
My first-ever experience eating crawfish. (I spent the first couple of minutes turning it this way and that, trying to figure out just how on earth you’re supposed to open the darn thing!)
As you can tell from the aftermath, this will definitely be happening again.
Mother’s Day sushi date with Son’s mom.
Looking through boxes of old schoolwork in my dad’s garage, I came across this card. Of course, I had to give it to my mom for Mother’s Day (again). ^_^
Our Mother’s Day tradition for years was to visit grandma, and go to her favorite restaurant (the salmon plate was the thing to order). Grandma passed away last year, so we decided to revisit the tradition one last time to honor grandma.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Links I’ve loved lately:
Diversity, and acceptance of diversity, is oh so important, in all walks of life. But that acceptance and inclusion of people who are not straight white males needs to happen from the top down… and it’s not, yet.
The programming talent myth. Spoiler alert: most programmers aren’t “rockstars”… in fact, most are just average, and that’s okay.
I finished Tara Austen Weaver‘s new book, Orchard House
this week, and now would really like to move to Seattle and start a gigantic garden. (In the meantime, I’ll be here in LA, living vicariously through other peoples’ beautiful vegetable-filled plots in the community garden nearby, bemoaning my lack of a green thumb.) I wanted to write a review, but then read this review and realized that nothing I might say could so eloquently and perfectly describe how wonderful Tara’s book is. Also, Tea, where can I apply to be one of your nieces once the current ones grow up? 😀
As a lady programmer… this. 😀
Weekly Wanderings posts may include affiliate links. All opinions are my own.